Source code for

import os
import re
import sys

FILLERS = set(['uh','um','okay','yes','yeah','oh','heh','yknow','um-huh',

from corpustools.corpus.classes import SpontaneousSpeechCorpus
from .helper import DiscourseData,data_to_discourse, AnnotationType, Annotation, BaseAnnotation, find_wav_path

def phone_match(one,two):
    if one != two and one not in two:
        return False
    return True

def inspect_discourse_multiple_files(word_path, dialect):
[docs] """ Generate a list of AnnotationTypes for a specified dialect Parameters ---------- word_path : str Full path to text file dialect : str Either 'buckeye' or 'timit' Returns ------- list of AnnotationTypes Autodetected AnnotationTypes for the dialect """ if dialect == 'buckeye': annotation_types = [AnnotationType('spelling', 'surface_transcription', None, anchor = True), AnnotationType('transcription', None, 'spelling', base = True, token = False), AnnotationType('surface_transcription', None, 'spelling', base = True, token = True), AnnotationType('category', None, 'spelling', base = False, token = True)] elif dialect == 'timit': annotation_types = [AnnotationType('spelling', 'transcription', None, anchor = True), AnnotationType('transcription', None, 'spelling', base = True, token = True)] else: raise(NotImplementedError) return annotation_types def multiple_files_to_data(word_path, phone_path, dialect, annotation_types = None,
call_back = None, stop_check = None): if annotation_types is None: annotation_types = inspect_discourse_multiple_files(word_path, dialect) for a in annotation_types: a.reset() name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(word_path)[1])[0] if call_back is not None: call_back('Reading files...') call_back(0,0) words = read_words(word_path, dialect) phones = read_phones(phone_path, dialect) data = DiscourseData(name, annotation_types) if call_back is not None: call_back('Parsing files...') call_back(0,len(words)) cur = 0 for i, w in enumerate(words): if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if call_back is not None: cur += 1 if cur % 20 == 0: call_back(cur) annotations = {} word = Annotation() word.label = w['spelling'] beg = w['begin'] end = w['end'] if dialect == 'timit': found_all = False found = [] while not found_all: p = phones.pop(0) if p.begin < beg: continue found.append(p) if p.end == end: found_all = True n = 'transcription' level_count = data.level_length(n) word.references.append(n) word.begins.append(level_count) word.ends.append(level_count + len(found)) annotations[n] = found elif dialect == 'buckeye': if w['transcription'] is None: for n in data.base_levels: level_count = data.level_length(n) word.references.append(n) word.begins.append(level_count) word.ends.append(level_count) else: for n in data.base_levels: if data[n].token: expected = w[n] found = [] while len(found) < len(expected): cur_phone = phones.pop(0) if phone_match(cur_phone.label,expected[len(found)]) \ and cur_phone.end >= beg and cur_phone.begin <= end: found.append(cur_phone) if not len(phones) and i < len(words)-1: print(name) print(w) raise(Exception) else: found = [BaseAnnotation(x) for x in w[n]] level_count = data.level_length(n) word.references.append(n) word.begins.append(level_count) word.ends.append(level_count+len(found)) annotations[n] = found for at in annotation_types: if at.ignored: continue if at.base: continue if at.anchor: continue value = w[] if at.delimited: value = [Annotation(x) for x in parse_transcription(ti.mark)] if at.token: word.token[] = value else: word.additional[] = value annotations[data.word_levels[0]] = [word] data.add_annotations(**annotations) return data def load_directory_multiple_files(corpus_name, path, dialect,
[docs] annotation_types = None, feature_system_path = None, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """ Loads a directory of corpus standard files (separated into words files and phones files) Parameters ---------- corpus_name : str Name of corpus path : str Path to directory of text files dialect : str One of 'buckeye' or 'timit' annotation_types : list of AnnotationType, optional List of AnnotationType specifying how to parse the glosses. Auto-generated based on dialect. feature_system_path : str, optional File path of FeatureMatrix binary to specify segments stop_check : callable or None Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable or None Optional function to supply progress information during the loading Returns ------- SpontaneousSpeechCorpus Corpus containing Discourses corresponding to the text files """ if call_back is not None: call_back('Finding files...') call_back(0, 0) file_tuples = [] for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(path): for filename in files: if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if not (filename.lower().endswith('.words') or filename.lower().endswith('.wrd')): continue file_tuples.append((root, filename)) if call_back is not None: call_back('Parsing files...') call_back(0,len(file_tuples)) cur = 0 corpus = SpontaneousSpeechCorpus(corpus_name, path) for i, t in enumerate(file_tuples): if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if call_back is not None: call_back('Parsing file {} of {}...'.format(i+1, len(file_tuples))) call_back(i) root, filename = t name,ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == '.words': phone_ext = '.phones' else: phone_ext = '.phn' word_path = os.path.join(root,filename) phone_path = os.path.splitext(word_path)[0] + phone_ext d = load_discourse_multiple_files(name, word_path, phone_path, dialect, annotation_types, corpus.lexicon, None, stop_check, None) corpus.add_discourse(d) if feature_system_path is not None: feature_matrix = load_binary(feature_system_path) corpus.lexicon.set_feature_matrix(feature_matrix) return corpus def load_discourse_multiple_files(corpus_name, word_path, phone_path, dialect,
[docs] annotation_types = None, lexicon = None, feature_system_path = None, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """ Load a discourse from a text file containing interlinear glosses Parameters ---------- corpus_name : str Informative identifier to refer to corpus word_path : str Full path to words text file phone_path : str Full path to phones text file dialect : str One of 'buckeye' or 'timit' annotation_types : list of AnnotationType, optional List of AnnotationType specifying how to parse the glosses. Auto-generated based on dialect. lexicon : Corpus, optional Corpus to store Discourse word information feature_system_path : str Full path to pickled FeatureMatrix to use with the Corpus stop_check : callable or None Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable or None Optional function to supply progress information during the loading Returns ------- Discourse Discourse object generated from the text file """ data = multiple_files_to_data(word_path,phone_path, dialect, annotation_types, call_back, stop_check) = corpus_name data.wav_path = find_wav_path(word_path) discourse = data_to_discourse(data, lexicon) if feature_system_path is not None: feature_matrix = load_binary(feature_system_path) discourse.lexicon.set_feature_matrix(feature_matrix) return discourse def read_phones(path, dialect, sr = None):
output = [] with open(path,'r') as file_handle: if dialect == 'timit': if sr is None: sr = 16000 for line in file_handle: l = line.strip().split(' ') start = float(l[0]) end = float(l[1]) label = l[2] if sr is not None: start /= sr end /= sr output.append(BaseAnnotation(label, begin, end)) elif dialect == 'buckeye': header_pattern = re.compile("#\r{0,1}\n") line_pattern = re.compile("\s+\d{3}\s+") label_pattern = re.compile(" {0,1};| {0,1}\+") f = header_pattern.split([1] flist = f.splitlines() begin = 0.0 for l in flist: line = line_pattern.split(l.strip()) end = float(line[0]) label = sys.intern(label_pattern.split(line[1])[0]) output.append(BaseAnnotation(label, begin, end)) begin = end else: raise(NotImplementedError) return output def read_words(path, dialect, sr = None): output = list() with open(path,'r') as file_handle: if dialect == 'timit': for line in file_handle: l = line.strip().split(' ') start = float(l[0]) end = float(l[1]) word = l[2] if sr is not None: start /= sr end /= sr output.append({'spelling':word, 'begin':start, 'end':end}) elif dialect == 'buckeye': f = re.split(r"#\r{0,1}\n",[1] line_pattern = re.compile("; | \d{3} ") begin = 0.0 flist = f.splitlines() for l in flist: line = line_pattern.split(l.strip()) end = float(line[0]) word = sys.intern(line[1]) if word[0] != "<" and word[0] != "{": citation = line[2].split(' ') phonetic = line[3].split(' ') category = line[4] else: citation = None phonetic = None category = None if word in FILLERS: category = 'UH' line = {'spelling':word,'begin':begin,'end':end, 'transcription':citation,'surface_transcription':phonetic, 'category':category} output.append(line) begin = end else: raise(NotImplementedError) return output