Source code for corpustools.funcload.functional_load

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from math import *
import itertools
import time

from .io import save_minimal_pairs

import pdb

def _merge_segment_pairs(tier, segment_pairs, environment_filters):
    """Merge the specified segment pairs for the given tier of segments if 
    its position fits one of the environment filters. Return a string.
    merged = []
    for i in range(len(tier)):
        merged.append(_check_to_add_merged(tier, i, segment_pairs, environment_filters))
    return ' '.join(merged)

def _check_to_add_merged(tier, i, segment_pairs, environment_filters):
    for sp in segment_pairs:
        if tier[i] in sp and _fits_environment(tier, i, environment_filters):
            return 'NEUTR:'+str(sp[0])+'/'+str(sp[1])
    return tier[i]

def _ready_for_re(word, index):
    w = [str(seg) for seg in word]
    w[index] = '_'
    return ' '.join(w)

def _fits_environment(tier, index, environment_filters):
    """Return True iff for tier, the environment
    of its index'th element fits passes one of the environment_filters.
    if not environment_filters:
        return True
    ef_res = []
    for ef in environment_filters:
        tier_re = _ready_for_re(tier, index)

    return any([bool(, tier_re)) for env_re in ef_res])

def _make_environment_re(environment_filter):
    if environment_filter.lhs:
        re_lhs = ' '.join(['('+('|'.join([seg for seg in position])+')') for position in environment_filter.lhs])
        re_lhs = re_lhs.replace('#', '^')
        re_lhs = ''

    if environment_filter.rhs:
        re_rhs = ' '.join(['('+('|'.join([seg for seg in position])+')') for position in environment_filter.rhs])
        re_rhs = re_rhs.replace('#', '$')
        re_rhs = ''

    if re_lhs and not re_lhs.endswith('^)'):
        re_lhs += ' '
    if re_rhs and not re_rhs.startswith('($'):
        re_rhs = ' ' + re_rhs

    return re_lhs + '_' + re_rhs

def _entropy(probabilities):
    """Calculate the entropy of a choice from the provided probability distribution.

    probabilities : list of floats
        Contains the probability of each item in the list.

    return -(sum([p*log(p,2) if p > 0 else 0 for p in probabilities]))

[docs]def minpair_fl(corpus_context, segment_pairs, relative_count = True, distinguish_homophones = False, environment_filters = None, prevent_normalization = False, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """Calculate the functional load of the contrast between two segments as a count of minimal pairs. Begin by creating a representation of each transcription that has collapsed all segment pairs (subject to the environment filter) and creating a dict with these segment-merged representations as keys, with lists of their respective words as values. Minimal pairs are then each pair of words within the list of words with the same segment-merged representation. Parameters ---------- corpus_context : CorpusContext Context manager for a corpus segment_pairs : list of length-2 tuples of str The pairs of segments to be conflated. relative_count : bool, optional If True, divide the number of minimal pairs by the total count by the total number of words that contain either of the two segments. distinguish_homophones : bool, optional If False, then you'll count sock~shock (sock=clothing) and sock~shock (sock=punch) as just one minimal pair; but if True, you'll overcount alternative spellings of the same word, e.g. axel~actual and axle~actual. False is the value used by Wedel et al. environment_filters : list of EnvironmentFilter Allows the user to restrict the neutralization process to segments in particular segmental contexts stop_check : callable, optional Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable, optional Optional function to supply progress information during the function Returns ------- tuple(int or float, list) Tuple of: 0. if `relative_count`==False, an int of the raw number of minimal pairs; if `relative_count`==True, a float of that count divided by the total number of words in the corpus that include either `s1` or `s2`; and 1. list of minimal pairs. """ if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if not environment_filters: environment_filters = [] all_target_segments = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(segment_pairs)) merged_dict = defaultdict(list) contain_target_segment_count = 0 ## Create dict of words in lexicon, with segment-merged transcriptions as keys cur = 0 for w in corpus_context: if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if call_back is not None: cur += 1 if cur % 100 == 0: call_back(cur) tier = getattr(w, corpus_context.sequence_type) ## Only add words with at least one of the target segments in the right ## environment (for relative_count, and to improve time/space efficiency) if any([s in all_target_segments and _fits_environment(tier, i, environment_filters) for i, s in enumerate(tier)]): contain_target_segment_count += 1 ## Create segment-pair-merged (neutralized) representations merged = _merge_segment_pairs(tier, segment_pairs, environment_filters) if 'NEUTR' in merged: merged_dict[merged].append(w) if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return ## Generate output result = 0 minpairs = [] for entry in merged_dict: if len(merged_dict[entry]) == 1: # can't contain a pair continue pairs = itertools.combinations(merged_dict[entry], 2) minpair_transcriptions = set() for w1, w2 in pairs: if (getattr(w1, corpus_context.sequence_type) != getattr(w2, corpus_context.sequence_type)): # avoids counting homophones if w1.spelling != w2.spelling: # avoids pronunc. variants ordered_pair = sorted([(w1, getattr(w1, corpus_context.sequence_type)), (w2, getattr(w2, corpus_context.sequence_type))], key = lambda x: x[1]) # sort by tier/transcription trans_pair = tuple([transcription for _, transcription in ordered_pair]) if distinguish_homophones: result += 1 else: if trans_pair not in minpair_transcriptions: result += 1 minpair_transcriptions.add(trans_pair) minpairs.append(tuple(ordered_pair)) if relative_count and contain_target_segment_count > 0: result /= float(contain_target_segment_count) return (result, minpairs, segment_pairs, prevent_normalization)
[docs]def deltah_fl(corpus_context, segment_pairs, environment_filters = None, prevent_normalization = False, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """Calculate the functional load of the contrast between between two segments as the decrease in corpus entropy caused by a merger. Parameters ---------- corpus_context : CorpusContext Context manager for a corpus segment_pairs : list of length-2 tuples of str The pairs of segments to be conflated. environment_filters : list of EnvironmentFilter Allows the user to restrict the neutralization process to segments in prevent_normalization : bool Prevents division of the entropy difference by the pre-merger entropy stop_check : callable, optional Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable, optional Optional function to supply progress information during the function Returns ------- float The difference between a) the entropy of the choice among non-homophonous words in the corpus before a merger of `s1` and `s2` and b) the entropy of that choice after the merger. """ if not environment_filters: environment_filters = [] original_sum = 0 original_probs = defaultdict(float) neutralized_sum = 0 neutralized_probs = defaultdict(float) cur = 0 for w in corpus_context: if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if call_back is not None: cur += 1 if cur % 20 == 0: call_back(cur) original_tier = getattr(w, corpus_context.sequence_type) original_probs[original_tier] += w.frequency original_sum += w.frequency neutralized_tier = _merge_segment_pairs(original_tier, segment_pairs, environment_filters) neutralized_probs[neutralized_tier] += w.frequency neutralized_sum += w.frequency if corpus_context.type_or_token == 'type': preneutr_h = log(len(original_probs), 2) else: original_probs = {k:v/original_sum for k,v in original_probs.items()} preneutr_h = _entropy(original_probs.values()) if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return if corpus_context.type_or_token == 'type': postneutr_h = log(len(neutralized_probs), 2) else: neutralized_probs = {k:v/neutralized_sum for k,v in neutralized_probs.items()} postneutr_h = _entropy(neutralized_probs.values()) if stop_check is not None and stop_check(): return result = preneutr_h - postneutr_h if result < 1e-10: result = 0.0 if not prevent_normalization and preneutr_h > 0.0: pre_norm = result result = result / preneutr_h else: pre_norm = result return (result, pre_norm)
[docs]def relative_minpair_fl(corpus_context, segment, relative_count = True, distinguish_homophones = False, output_filename = None, environment_filters = None, prevent_normalization = False, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """Calculate the average functional load of the contrasts between a segment and all other segments, as a count of minimal pairs. Parameters ---------- corpus_context : CorpusContext Context manager for a corpus segment : str The target segment. relative_count : bool, optional If True, divide the number of minimal pairs by the total count by the total number of words that contain either of the two segments. distinguish_homophones : bool, optional If False, then you'll count sock~shock (sock=clothing) and sock~shock (sock=punch) as just one minimal pair; but if True, you'll overcount alternative spellings of the same word, e.g. axel~actual and axle~actual. False is the value used by Wedel et al. environment_filters : list of EnvironmentFilter Allows the user to restrict the neutralization process to segments in particular segmental contexts stop_check : callable, optional Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable, optional Optional function to supply progress information during the function Returns ------- int or float If `relative_count`==False, returns an int of the raw number of minimal pairs. If `relative_count`==True, returns a float of that count divided by the total number of words in the corpus that include either `s1` or `s2`. """ if not environment_filters: environment_filters = [] all_segments = corpus_context.inventory segment_pairs = [(segment,other.symbol) for other in all_segments if other.symbol != segment and other.symbol != '#'] results = [] results_dict = {} to_output = [] for sp in segment_pairs: res = minpair_fl(corpus_context, [sp], relative_count = relative_count, distinguish_homophones = distinguish_homophones, environment_filters = environment_filters, prevent_normalization = prevent_normalization, stop_check = stop_check, call_back = call_back) results_dict[sp] = res[0] results.append(res[0]) print('Functional load of {}: {}'.format(sp, res[0])) if output_filename is not None: to_output.append((sp, res[1])) if output_filename is not None: save_minimal_pairs(output_filename, to_output) result = sum(results)/len(segment_pairs) return (result, results_dict, float(sum(results)))
[docs]def relative_deltah_fl(corpus_context, segment, environment_filters = None, prevent_normalization = False, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """Calculate the average functional load of the contrasts between a segment and all other segments, as the decrease in corpus entropy caused by a merger. Parameters ---------- corpus_context : CorpusContext Context manager for a corpus segment : str The target segment. stop_check : callable, optional Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable, optional Optional function to supply progress information during the function Returns ------- float The difference between a) the entropy of the choice among non-homophonous words in the corpus before a merger of `s1` and `s2` and b) the entropy of that choice after the merger. """ if not environment_filters: environment_filters = [] all_segments = corpus_context.inventory segment_pairs = [(segment,other.symbol) for other in all_segments if other.symbol != segment and other.symbol != '#'] results = [] results_dict = {} for sp in segment_pairs: res, pre_norm = deltah_fl(corpus_context, [sp], environment_filters=environment_filters, prevent_normalization = False, stop_check = stop_check, call_back = call_back) results.append(res) results_dict[sp] = res print('Functional load of {}: {}'.format(sp, res)) result = sum(results)/len(segment_pairs) return (result, results_dict, float(sum(results)))
def collapse_segpairs_fl(corpus_context, **kwargs): func_type = kwargs.get('func_type') segment_pairs = kwargs.get('segment_pairs') relative_count = kwargs.get('relative_count') distinguish_homophones = kwargs.get('distinguish_homophones') if func_type == 'min_pairs': fl = minpair_fl(corpus_context, segment_pairs, relative_count, distinguish_homophones, environment_filters=environment_filters) elif func_type == 'entropy': fl = deltah_fl(corpus_context, segment_pairs, environment_filters=environment_filters) def individual_segpairs_fl(corpus_context, **kwargs): func_type = kwargs.get('func_type') segment_pairs = kwargs.get('segment_pairs') relative_count = kwargs.get('relative_count') distinguish_homophones = kwargs.get('distinguish_homophones') results = [] for pair in segment_pairs: if func_type == 'min_pairs': fl = minpair_fl(corpus_context, [pair], relative_count, distinguish_homophones, environment_filters=environment_filters) elif func_type == 'entropy': fl = deltah_fl(corpus_context, [pair], environment_filters=environment_filters) results.append(fl) def neutralize_segment(segment, segment_pairs): for sp in segment_pairs: try: s = segment.symbol except AttributeError: s = segment if s in sp: return 'NEUTR:'+''.join(str(x) for x in sp) return s def all_pairwise_fls(corpus_context, relative_fl = False, algorithm = 'minpair', prevent_normalization = False, relative_count = True, distinguish_homophones = False, environment_filters = None): """Calculate the functional load of the contrast between two segments as a count of minimal pairs. Parameters ---------- corpus_context : CorpusContext Context manager for a corpus relative_fl : bool If False, return the FL for all segment pairs. If True, return the relative (average) FL for each segment. algorithm : str {'minpair', 'deltah'} Algorithm to use for calculating functional load: "minpair" for minimal pair count or "deltah" for change in entropy. relative_count : bool, optional If True, divide the number of minimal pairs by the total count by the total number of words that contain either of the two segments. distinguish_homophones : bool, optional If False, then you'll count sock~shock (sock=clothing) and sock~shock (sock=punch) as just one minimal pair; but if True, you'll overcount alternative spellings of the same word, e.g. axel~actual and axle~actual. False is the value used by Wedel et al. environment_filters : list of EnvironmentFilter Allows the user to restrict the neutralization process to segments in particular segmental contexts Returns ------- list of tuple(tuple(str, st), float) OR list of (str, float) Normally returns a list of all Segment pairs and their respective functional load values, as length-2 tuples ordered by FL. If calculating relative FL, returns a dictionary of each segment and its relative (average) FL, with entries ordered by FL. """ if not environment_filters: environment_filters = [] fls = {} total_calculations = ((((len(corpus_context.inventory)-1)**2)-len(corpus_context.inventory)-1)/2)+1 ct = 1 t = time.time() if '' in corpus_context.inventory: raise Exception('Warning: Calculation of functional load for all segment pairs requires that all items in corpus have a non-null transcription.') for i, s1 in enumerate(corpus_context.inventory[:-1]): for s2 in corpus_context.inventory[i+1:]: if s1 != '#' and s2 != '#': print('Performing FL calculation {} out of {} possible'.format(str(ct), str(total_calculations))) ct += 1 print('Duration of last calculation: {}'.format(str(time.time() - t))) t = time.time() if type(s1) != str: s1 = s1.symbol if type(s2) != str: s2 = s2.symbol if algorithm == 'minpair': fl = minpair_fl(corpus_context, [(s1, s2)], relative_count=relative_count, distinguish_homophones=distinguish_homophones, environment_filters=environment_filters)[0] elif algorithm == 'deltah': fl = deltah_fl(corpus_context, [(s1, s2)], environment_filters=environment_filters) fls[(s1, s2)] = fl if not relative_fl: ordered_fls = sorted([(pair, fls[pair]) for pair in fls], key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True) return ordered_fls elif relative_fl: rel_fls = {} for s in corpus_context.inventory: if type(s) != str: s = s.symbol if s != '#': total = 0.0 for pair in fls: if s == pair[0] or s == pair[1]: total += fls[pair] rel_fls[s] = total / (len(corpus_context.inventory) - 1) ordered_rel_fls = sorted([(s, rel_fls[s]) for s in rel_fls], key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True) return ordered_rel_fls