General Background¶
Phonological CorpusTools (PCT) is a freely available open-source tool for doing phonological analysis on transcribed corpora. For the latest information, please refer to the PCT website. PCT is intended to be an analysis aid for researchers who are specifically interested in investigating the relationships that may hold between individual sounds in a language. There is an ever-increasing interest in exploring the roles of frequency and usage in understanding phonological phenomena (e.g., [Bybee2001], [Ernestus2011], [Frisch2011]), but many corpora and existing corpus-analysis software tools are focused on dialogue- and sentence-level analysis, and/or the computational skills needed to efficiently handle large corpora can be daunting to learn.
PCT is designed with the phonologist in mind and has an easy-to-use graphical user interface that requires no programming knowledge, and all of the original code (written in Python) is freely available for those who would like access to the source (though we do not actively provide tech support for API functionality). It specifically includes the following capabilities:
Summary descriptions of a corpus, including type and token frequency of individual segments in user-defined environments;
Calculation of the phonotactic probability of a word, given the other words that exist in the corpus (cf. [Vitevitch2004]);
Calculation of the transitional probability between two segments in a word (cf. [Saffran1996a]; [Saffran1996b]);
Calculation of functional load of individual pairs of sounds, defined at either the segment or feature level (cf. [Hockett1966]; [Surendran2003]; [Wedel2013]);
Calculation of the extent to which any pair of sounds is predictably distributed given a set of environments that they can occur in, as a measure of phonological contrastiveness (cf. [Hall2009], [Hall2012]; [Hall2013a]);
Calculation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the distributions of two sounds, again as a measure of phonological contrastiveness (cf. [Peperkamp2006]);
Calculation of the extent to which pairs of words are similar to each other using either orthographic or phonetic transcription, and calculation of neighbourhood density (cf. [Frisch2004], [Khorsi2012]; [Greenberg1964]; [Luce1998]; [Yao2011]);
Approximation of the frequency with which two sounds alternate with each other, given a measure of morphological relatedness (cf. [Silverman 2006]_, [Johnson2010], [Lu2012]);
Calculation of the mutual information between pairs of segments in the corpus (cf. [Brent1999]; [Goldsmith2012]); and
Calculation of the acoustic similarity between sounds or words, derived from sound files, based on alignment of MFCCs (e.g., [Mielke2012]) or of logarithmically spaced amplitude envelopes (cf. [Lewandowski2012]).
The software can make use of pre-existing freely available corpora (e.g., the IPHOD corpus; [IPHOD]), which are included with the system, or a user may upload their own corpus in several formats. First, lexical lists with transcription and token frequency information can be directly uploaded; such a list is what is deemed a “corpus” by PCT. Second, raw running text (orthographically and/or phonetically transcribed) can be uploaded and turned into lexical lists in columnar format (corpora) for subsequent analysis. Raw sound files accompanied by Praat TextGrids [PRAAT] may also be uploaded for analyses of acoustic similarity, and certain pre-existing special types of corpora can be uploaded natively (Buckeye [BUCKEYE]). Orthographic corpora can have their transcriptions “looked up” in a pre-existing transcribed corpus of the same language.
Phonological analysis can be done using built-in feature charts based on Chomsky & Halle [SPE] or Hayes [Hayes2009], or a user may create his or her own specifications by either modifying these charts or uploading a new chart. Feature specifications can be used to pull out separate “tiers” of segments for analysis (e.g., consonants vs. vowels, all nasal elements, tonal contours, etc.). PCT comes with IPA transcription installed, with characters mapped to the two feature systems mentioned above. Again, users may create their own transcription-to-feature mappings by modifying the existing ones or uploading a new transcription-to-feature mapping file, and several alternative transcription-to-feature mapping files are available for download. There is (limited) support for syllabified corpora.
Analysis can be done using type or token frequency, if token frequency is available in the corpus. All analyses are presented both on screen and saved to plain .txt files in user-specfied locations.
The following sections walk through the specifics of downloading, installing, and using the various components of Phonological CorpusTools. We will do our best to keep the software up to date and to answer any questions you might have about it; questions, comments, and suggestions should be sent to Kathleen Currie Hall. Note that (as of 1.4.1) we no longer provide active support for the command-line interface of PCT.
See Release Notes for full release notes for each version. We always recommend using the most recent version. We have noted a few crucial differences between versions below:
In versions of PCT prior to 1.5.0, duplicated phonological searches / analyses resulted in cumulative results, e.g., reported frequencies that summed over every instance of a repeated search.
In versions of PCT prior to 1.4.1, the calculation of functional load had a bug where the minimal pair-based algorithm returned counts based on token frequencies instead of type frequencies and the change-in-entropy algorithm sometimes crashed.
Code and interfaces¶
PCT is written in Python 3.4, and users are welcome to add on other functionality as needed. The software works on any platform that supports Python (Windows, Mac, Linux). All code is available on the GitHub repository; the details for getting access are given in Downloading and installing.
There is a graphical user interface (GUI). Initial versions also included a command-line interface, but this has not been kept up to date with the GUI functionality. In the following sections, we generally discuss interface-independent aspects of some functionality first, and then detail how to implement it in the GUI.
Deprecated information about the command line: The command-line interface is accessed using command line scripts that are installed on your machine along with the core PCT GUI.
NOTE: If you did not install PCT on your computer but are instead running the GUI through a binary file (executable), then the command line scripts are not installed on your computer either. In order to run them, you will need to download the PCT source code and then find the scripts within the command_line subdirectory. These can then be run as scripts in Python 3.
The procedure for running command-line analysis scripts is essentially the same for any analysis. First, open a Terminal window (on Mac OS X or Linux) or a CygWin window (on Windows, can be downloaded at Using the “cd” command, navigate to the directory containing your corpus file. If the analysis you want to perform requires any additional input files, then they must also be in this directory. (Instead of running the script from the relevant file directory, you may also run scripts from any working directory as long as you specify the full path to any files.) You then type the analysis command into the Terminal and press enter/return to run the analysis. The first (positional) argument after the name of the analysis script is always the name of the corpus file.