- corpustools.corpus.io.multiple_files.load_directory_multiple_files(corpus_name, path, dialect, annotation_types=None, feature_system_path=None, stop_check=None, call_back=None)[source]¶
Loads a directory of corpus standard files (separated into words files and phones files)
- Parameters
- corpus_namestr
Name of corpus
- pathstr
Path to directory of text files
- dialectstr
Currently only ‘buckeye’
- annotation_typeslist of AnnotationType, optional
List of AnnotationType specifying how to parse the glosses. Auto-generated based on dialect.
- feature_system_pathstr, optional
File path of FeatureMatrix binary to specify segments
- stop_checkcallable or None
Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early
- call_backcallable or None
Optional function to supply progress information during the loading
- Returns
- SpontaneousSpeechCorpus
Corpus containing Discourses corresponding to the text files