Source code for corpustools.mutualinfo.mutual_information

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import math
from collections import defaultdict
from corpustools.corpus.classes.lexicon import CorpusIntegrityError

import time

from corpustools.exceptions import MutualInfoError

[docs]def pointwise_mi(corpus_context, query, halve_edges = False, in_word = False, stop_check = None, call_back = None): """ Calculate the mutual information for a bigram. Parameters ---------- corpus_context : CorpusContext Context manager for a corpus query : tuple Tuple of two strings, each a segment/letter halve_edges : bool Flag whether to only count word boundaries once per word rather than twice, defaults to False in_word : bool Flag to calculate non-local, non-ordered mutual information, defaults to False stop_check : callable or None Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early call_back : callable or None Optional function to supply progress information during the function Returns ------- float Mutual information of the bigram """ if call_back is not None: call_back("Generating probabilities...") call_back(0,0) cur = 0 if in_word: unigram_dict = get_in_word_unigram_frequencies(corpus_context, query) bigram_dict = get_in_word_bigram_frequency(corpus_context, query) else: unigram_dict = corpus_context.get_frequency_base(gramsize = 1, halve_edges = halve_edges, probability=True) bigram_dict = corpus_context.get_frequency_base(gramsize = 2, halve_edges = halve_edges, probability=True) #if '#' in query: # raise(Exception("Word boundaries are currently unsupported.")) try: prob_s1 = unigram_dict[query[0]] except KeyError: raise(MutualInfoError('The segment {} was not found in the corpus'.format(query[0]))) try: prob_s2 = unigram_dict[query[1]] except KeyError: raise(MutualInfoError('The segment {} was not found in the corpus'.format(query[1]))) try: prob_bg = bigram_dict[query] except KeyError: raise MutualInfoError('The bigram {} was not found in the corpus using {}s'.format(''.join(query),sequence_type)) if unigram_dict[query[0]] == 0.0: raise MutualInfoError('Warning! Mutual information could not be calculated because the unigram {} is not in the corpus.'.format(query[0])) if unigram_dict[query[1]] == 0.0: raise MutualInfoError('Warning! Mutual information could not be calculated because the unigram {} is not in the corpus.'.format(query[1])) if bigram_dict[query] == 0.0: raise MutualInfoError('Warning! Mutual information could not be calculated because the bigram {} is not in the corpus.'.format(str(query))) return math.log((prob_bg/(prob_s1*prob_s2)), 2)
def get_in_word_unigram_frequencies(corpus_context, query): totals = [0 for x in query] for word in corpus_context: for i, q in enumerate(query): if q in getattr(word, corpus_context.sequence_type): totals[i] += word.frequency return {k: totals[i] / len(corpus_context) for i, k in enumerate(query)} def get_in_word_bigram_frequency(corpus_context, query): total = 0 for word in corpus_context: tier = getattr(word, corpus_context.sequence_type) if all(x in tier for x in query): total += word.frequency return {query: total / len(corpus_context)} def all_mis(corpus_context, halve_edges = False, in_word = False, stop_check = None, call_back = None): mis = {} total_calculations = ((len(corpus_context.inventory)**2)-len(corpus_context.inventory)/2)+1 ct = 1 t = time.time() for s1 in corpus_context.inventory: for s2 in corpus_context.inventory: #print('Performing MI calculation {} out of {} possible'.format(str(ct), str(total_calculations))) ct += 1 #print('Duration of last calculation: {}'.format(str(time.time() - t))) t = time.time() if type(s1) != str: s1 = s1.symbol if type(s2) != str: s2 = s2.symbol #print(s1,s2) mi = pointwise_mi(corpus_context, (s1, s2), halve_edges = halve_edges, in_word = in_word) mis[(s1,s2)] = mi ordered_mis = sorted([(pair, str(mis[pair])) for pair in mis], key=lambda p: p[1]) return ordered_mis