from math import log
from collections import defaultdict
import os
from codecs import open
from corpustools.exceptions import KLError
class Context(object):
def __init__(self):
self.seg1 = 0
self.seg2 = 0
self.other = 0
def sum(self):
return sum([self.seg1,self.seg2,self.other])
def __repr__(self):
return str((self.seg1, self.seg2, self.other))
[docs]def KullbackLeibler(corpus_context, seg1, seg2, side, outfile = None,
stop_check = False, call_back = False):
Calculates KL distances between two Phoneme objects in some context,
either the left or right-hand side.
Segments with identical distributions (ie. seg1==seg2) have a KL of zero.
Segments with similar distributions therefore have low numbers, so *high*
numbers indicate possible allophones.
corpus_context : CorpusContext
Context manager for a corpus
seg1 : str
First segment
seg2 : str
Second segment
side : str
One of 'right', 'left' or 'both'
outfile : str
Full path to save output
stop_check : callable or None
Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early
call_back : callable or None
Optional function to supply progress information during the function
## FIXME: This function should be refactored into in KL proper and
## another function that determines underlying form type things
if isinstance(seg1, tuple):
for x in seg1:
if x not in corpus_context.inventory:
raise ValueError('Segment \'{}\' does not exist in this corpus.'.format(x))
if not seg1 in corpus_context.inventory or not seg2 in corpus_context.inventory:
raise ValueError('Segment \'{}\' does not exist in this corpus.'.format(seg1))
seg1 = [seg1]
if isinstance(seg2, tuple):
for x in seg2:
if x not in corpus_context.inventory:
raise ValueError('Segment \'{}\' does not exist in this corpus.'.format(x))
if not seg2 in corpus_context.inventory:
raise ValueError('Segment \'{}\' does not exist in this corpus.'.format(seg2))
seg2 = [seg2]
allC = defaultdict(Context)
seg_counts = {'seg1':0, 'seg2':0}
for word in corpus_context:
tier = getattr(word, corpus_context.sequence_type)
symbols = tier.with_word_boundaries()
for pos in range(1, len(symbols)-1):
seg = symbols[pos]
thisc = (symbols[pos-1],symbols[pos+1])
if side.startswith('r'):
thisc = thisc[0]
elif side.startswith('l'):
thisc = thisc[1]
flag = False
if seg in seg1:
allC[thisc].seg1 += word.frequency
seg_counts['seg1'] += word.frequency
flag = True
if seg in seg2:
allC[thisc].seg2 += word.frequency
seg_counts['seg2'] += word.frequency
flag = True
if not flag:
allC[thisc].other += word.frequency
totalC = len(allC)
freq_c = defaultdict(int)
for c in allC:
freq_c[c] += 1
P = lambda c,s: (getattr(c,s)+1)/(seg_counts[s]+totalC)
KL = sum(
for c in allC.values()])
seg1_entropy = sum(P(result,'seg1')*log(
for (context,result) in allC.items())
seg2_entropy = sum(P(result,'seg2')*log(
for (context,result) in allC.items())
ur,sr = (seg1,seg2) if seg1_entropy < seg2_entropy else (seg2,seg1)
if outfile is not None:
if not outfile.endswith('.txt'):
outfile += '.txt'
with open(outfile, mode='w', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
print('Context, Context frequency, {} frequency in context, {} frequency in context\n\r'.format(seg1,seg2), file=f)
for context,result in allC.items():
cfrequency = freq_c[context]/totalC
is_spurious = _check_spurious(ur, sr, corpus_context)
if side.startswith('r'):
retside = 'right'
elif side.startswith('l'):
retside = 'left'
elif side.startswith('b'):
retside = 'both'
return seg1_entropy, seg2_entropy, KL, ur, is_spurious
def _check_spurious(ur, sr, corpus_context):
if len(ur) > 1: #Set of segments, probably supplied from GUI, hack until refactor
return 'No'
#returns a string, not a bool, for printing to a results table
if corpus_context.specifier is None:
return 'Maybe'
ur = corpus_context.corpus.segment_to_features(ur[0])#.features
sr = corpus_context.corpus.segment_to_features(sr[0])#.features
diff = lambda flist1,flist2: len([f1 for f1,f2 in zip(sorted(flist1.values()),
if not f1==f2])
seg_diff = diff(ur, sr)
if seg_diff == 1:
return 'No' #minimally different, could be allophones
for seg in corpus_context.inventory:
if diff(seg.features, ur) < seg_diff:
return 'Yes' #something else is more similar
return 'Maybe' #nothing else is more similar