from functools import partial
from corpustools.corpus.classes import Word
from corpustools.symbolsim.edit_distance import edit_distance
from corpustools.symbolsim.khorsi import khorsi
from corpustools.symbolsim.phono_edit_distance import phono_edit_distance
from corpustools.symbolsim.phono_align import Aligner
from corpustools.multiproc import filter_mp, score_mp
def _is_edit_distance_neighbor(w, query, sequence_type, max_distance):
w_len = len(getattr(w, sequence_type))
query_len = len(getattr(query, sequence_type))
if w_len > query_len + max_distance:
return False
if w_len < query_len - max_distance:
return False
# should be greater than 0, because two identical words (i.e., an edit distance of 0) are not phono neighbours!
return 0 < edit_distance(getattr(w, sequence_type), getattr(query, sequence_type),
sequence_type, max_distance) <= max_distance
def _is_phono_edit_distance_neighbor(w, query, sequence_type, specifier, max_distance):
return phono_edit_distance(getattr(w, sequence_type), getattr(query, sequence_type), sequence_type, specifier) <= max_distance
def _is_khorsi_neighbor(w, query, freq_base, sequence_type, max_distance):
return khorsi(getattr(w, sequence_type), getattr(query, sequence_type), freq_base, sequence_type, max_distance) >= max_distance
def neighborhood_density_all_words(corpus_context, tierdict, tier_type = None, sequence_type = None,
algorithm = 'edit_distance', max_distance = 1, output_format = 'spelling',
num_cores = -1, settable_attr = None, collapse_homophones = False,
stop_check = None, call_back = None):
"""Calculate the neighborhood density of all words in the corpus and
adds them as attributes of the words.
corpus_context : CorpusContext
Context manager for a corpus
algorithm : str
The algorithm used to determine distance
max_distance : float, optional
Maximum edit distance from the queried word to consider a word a neighbor.
stop_check : callable, optional
Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early
call_back : callable, optional
Optional function to supply progress information during the function
settable_attr: string
Name of attribute that neighbourhood density results will be assigned to
function = partial(neighborhood_density, corpus_context,
tierdict = tierdict,
tier_type = tier_type,
sequence_type = sequence_type,
algorithm = algorithm,
max_distance = max_distance,
collapse_homophones = collapse_homophones)
if call_back is not None:
call_back('Calculating neighborhood densities...')
cur = 0
results = dict()
last_value_removed = None
last_key_removed = None
if num_cores == -1 or num_cores == 1:
for w in corpus_context:
if stop_check is not None and stop_check():
if last_value_removed:
w_sequence = getattr(w, corpus_context.sequence_type)
except TypeError:
w_sequence = getattr(w, 'Transcription')
last_key_removed = str(w_sequence)
for i, item in enumerate(tierdict[last_key_removed]):
if str(item) == str(w):
last_value_removed = tierdict[last_key_removed].pop(i)
res = neighborhood_density(corpus_context, w, tierdict,
tier_type = tier_type,
sequence_type = sequence_type,
algorithm = algorithm,
max_distance = max_distance,
collapse_homophones = collapse_homophones)
# w_t_key is the pair of spelling and transcription which will be the key for the dictionary 'results'
# Need to add a unique number after the pair, since spelling + transcription pair may be duplicate,
# See the documentation on the 'Collapse homophones' option for the use case scenario and also Issue #785.
n = 0
w_t_key = f'{w} [{w.transcription}]{n}'
if w_t_key in results:
while True:
n += 1
w_t_key = f'{w} [{w.transcription}]{n}'
if w_t_key not in results:
results[w_t_key] = [getattr(r, output_format) for r in res[1]]
setattr(w.original,, res[0])
# for w in corpus_context:
# if stop_check is not None and stop_check():
# return
# cur += 1
# call_back(cur)
# res = function(w)
# results[str(w)] = [getattr(r, output_format) for r in res[1]]
# setattr(w.original,, res[0]-1)
# #the -1 is to account for the fact that words are counted as their own neighbour, and this is incorrect
# #subtracting 1 here is easier than fixing the neighbourhood density algorithm
iterable = ((w,) for w in corpus_context)
neighbors = score_mp(iterable, function, num_cores, call_back, stop_check, chunk_size = 1)
for n in neighbors:
#Have to look up the key, then look up the object due to how
#multiprocessing pickles objects
setattr(corpus_context.corpus.find(corpus_context.corpus.key(n[0])),, n[1][0]), n[1][0])
return results
[docs]def neighborhood_density(corpus_context, query, tierdict,
algorithm = 'edit_distance', max_distance = 1, collapse_homophones = False,
force_quadratic = False, file_type = None, tier_type=None, sequence_type = None,
stop_check = None, call_back = None):
"""Calculate the neighborhood density of a particular word in the corpus.
corpus_context : CorpusContext
Context manager for a corpus
query : Word
The word whose neighborhood density to calculate.
algorithm : str
The algorithm used to determine distance
max_distance : float, optional
Maximum edit distance from the queried word to consider a word a neighbor
force_quadratic : bool
Force use of the less efficient quadratic algorithm even when finding edit
distance of 1 neighborhoods
stop_check : callable, optional
Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early
call_back : callable, optional
Optional function to supply progress information during the function
tuple(int, set)
Tuple of the number of neighbors and the set of neighbor Words.
matches = [] # list to contain phono neighbours
query = ensure_query_is_word(query, corpus_context, corpus_context.sequence_type, tier_type)
if call_back is not None:
call_back('Finding neighbors for {}...'.format(query))
cur = 0
if algorithm == 'edit_distance' and max_distance == 1 and force_quadratic:
return fast_neighborhood_density(corpus_context, query, corpus_context.sequence_type, tier_type, tierdict,
file_type=file_type, collapse_homophones=collapse_homophones)
if algorithm == 'edit_distance':
is_neighbor = partial(_is_edit_distance_neighbor,
sequence_type = corpus_context.sequence_type,
max_distance = max_distance)
elif algorithm == 'phono_edit_distance':
is_neighbor = partial(_is_phono_edit_distance_neighbor,
specifier = corpus_context.specifier,
sequence_type = corpus_context.sequence_type,
max_distance = max_distance)
elif algorithm == 'khorsi':
freq_base = corpus_context.get_frequency_base()
is_neighbor = partial(_is_khorsi_neighbor,
freq_base = freq_base,
sequence_type = corpus_context.sequence_type,
max_distance = max_distance)
for w in corpus_context: # loop over each word (w) in the corpus
if stop_check is not None and stop_check():
if call_back is not None:
cur += 1
if cur % 10 == 0:
if not is_neighbor(w, query): # if *not* neighbor then do not add to 'matches'
# the following conditional checks whether collapse homophones is True. If so, remove homophones
if collapse_homophones:
w_sequence = getattr(w, sequence_type)
# if the transcription of the just-found potential neighbor is identical to
# anything we already have as previously found neighbours, do not add the current result into 'matches.'
if any(getattr(m, sequence_type) == w_sequence for m in matches):
neighbors = matches
return (len(neighbors), neighbors)
def fast_neighborhood_density(corpus_context, query, sequence_type, tier_type,
tierdict, file_type=None, trans_delimiter='.', collapse_homophones = False):
"""Generates all neighbors of edit distance <= 1 and searches
for them in corpus_context.
Will be faster than neighborhood_density when:
n > m * (1 + s), where
n: number of words in corpus
m: length of query
s: size of segment inventory
neighbors = list()
query = ensure_query_is_word(query, corpus_context, sequence_type, tier_type, file_type=file_type)
for candidate in generate_neighbor_candidates(corpus_context, query, sequence_type):
if tier_type.att_type == 'tier':
cand_str = trans_delimiter.join(candidate)
cand_str = ''.join(candidate)
if cand_str in tierdict:
for w in tierdict[cand_str]:
w_sequence = getattr(w, sequence_type)
if collapse_homophones and any(getattr(word, sequence_type) == w_sequence for word in neighbors):
return (len(neighbors), neighbors)
def generate_neighbor_candidates(corpus_context, query, sequence_type):
sequence = getattr(query, sequence_type)
yield [str(c) for c in sequence]
for i in range(len(sequence)):
yield [str(c) for c in sequence[:i]] + [str(c) for c in sequence[i+1:]] # deletion
for char in corpus_context.inventory:
if str(char) not in ['#', sequence[i]]:
yield [str(c) for c in sequence[:i]] + [str(char)] + [str(c) for c in sequence[i:]] # insertion
yield [str(c) for c in sequence[:i]] + [str(char)] + [str(c) for c in sequence[i+1:]] # substitution
for char in corpus_context.inventory: # final pass to get insertion at len+1
if str(char) not in ['#', sequence[i]]:
yield [str(c) for c in sequence[:]] + [str(char)] # insertion
def find_mutation_minpairs_all_words(corpus_context, tierdict, tier_type = None, num_cores = -1,
output_format = 'spelling', collapse_homophones=False,
stop_check = None, call_back = None):
function = partial(find_mutation_minpairs, corpus_context, tier_type=tier_type, collapse_homophones = collapse_homophones)
if call_back is not None:
call_back('Calculating neighborhood densities...')
cur = 0
results = dict()
last_value_removed = None
last_key_removed = None
if num_cores == -1 or num_cores == 1:
for w in corpus_context:
if stop_check is not None and stop_check():
if last_value_removed:
w_sequence = getattr(w, corpus_context.sequence_type)
last_key_removed = str(w_sequence)
for i, item in enumerate(tierdict[last_key_removed]):
if str(item) == str(w):
last_value_removed = tierdict[last_key_removed].pop(i)
res = find_mutation_minpairs(corpus_context, w,
tier_type=tier_type, collapse_homophones = collapse_homophones)
w_t_key = f'{w} [{w.transcription}]'
results[w_t_key] = [getattr(r, output_format) for r in res[1]]
setattr(w.original,, res[0])
# for w in corpus_context:
# if stop_check is not None and stop_check():
# return
# cur += 1
# call_back(cur)
# res = function(w)
# results[str(w)] = res[1]#[str(r) for r in res[1]]
# setattr(w.original,, res[0])
iterable = ((w,) for w in corpus_context)
neighbors = score_mp(iterable, function, num_cores, call_back, stop_check, chunk_size= 1)
for n in neighbors:
#Have to look up the key, then look up the object due to how
#multiprocessing pickles objects
setattr(corpus_context.corpus.find(corpus_context.corpus.key(n[0])),, n[1][0])
return results
[docs]def find_mutation_minpairs(corpus_context, query, tier_type = None, collapse_homophones = False,
stop_check = None, call_back = None):
"""Find all minimal pairs of the query word based only on segment
mutations (not deletions/insertions)
corpus_context : CorpusContext
Context manager for a corpus
query : Word
The word whose minimal pairs to find
stop_check : callable or None
Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early
call_back : callable or None
Optional function to supply progress information during the function
The found minimal pairs for the queried word
matches = []
sequence_type = corpus_context.sequence_type
query = ensure_query_is_word(query, corpus_context, corpus_context.sequence_type, tier_type)
if call_back is not None:
call_back('Finding neighbors...')
cur = 0
al = Aligner(features_tf=False, ins_penalty=float('inf'), del_penalty=float('inf'), sub_penalty=1)
for w in corpus_context:
w_sequence = getattr(w, sequence_type)
query_sequence = getattr(query, sequence_type)
if stop_check is not None and stop_check():
if call_back is not None:
cur += 1
if cur % 10 == 0:
if (len(w_sequence) > len(query_sequence)+1 or
len(w_sequence) < len(query_sequence)-1):
m = al.make_similarity_matrix(query_sequence, w_sequence)
if m[-1][-1]['f'] != 1:
w_sequence = getattr(w, sequence_type) # This is identical to the one right after the start of for-loop. why?
if collapse_homophones and any(getattr(m, sequence_type) == w_sequence for m in matches):
neighbors = set(matches)-set([query])
return (len(neighbors), neighbors)
def ensure_query_is_word(query, corpus, sequence_type, tier_type, trans_delimiter='.', file_type=None):
if isinstance(query, Word):
query_word = query
if tier_type.att_type == 'spelling':
if file_type == sequence_type:
query_word = Word(**{sequence_type: list(query)})
query_word = query.replace(trans_delimiter, '')
query_word = Word(**{sequence_type: list(query_word)})
elif tier_type.att_type == 'tier':
if file_type == sequence_type:
query_with̠td = '.'.join(query) if '.' not in query else query
for entry in corpus:
corpus_word_with_td = str(getattr(entry, sequence_type))
if query_with̠td == corpus_word_with_td: # if a word in corpus has the same transcription
return entry # that word in the corpus is to be referred to.
# the following should be run if no word found in corpus with the transcription
new_query = parse(query, trans_delimiter)
query_word = Word(**{sequence_type: new_query})
else: # if file contains spelling
query_word = corpus.corpus.find(query)
except KeyError:
# if the word in the file can't be found in the corpus
new_query = parse(query, trans_delimiter)
query_word = Word(**{sequence_type: list(new_query)})
return query_word
def parse(word, delimiter):
return word.split(delimiter) if delimiter in word else list(word)