#fun times with morphological relatedness
import corpustools.symbolsim.phono_align as pam
from corpustools.symbolsim.string_similarity import string_similarity
from .io import print_freqalt_results
[docs]def calc_freq_of_alt(corpus_context, seg1, seg2, algorithm, output_filename = None,
min_rel = None, max_rel = None, phono_align = False,
min_pairs_okay = False, stop_check = None,
call_back = None):
"""Returns a double that is a measure of the frequency of
alternation of two sounds in a given corpus
corpus_context : CorpusContext
Context manager for a corpus
seg1: char
A sound segment, e.g. 's', 't'
seg2: char
A sound segment
algorithm: string
The string similarity algorithm
max_rel: double
Filters out all words that are higher than max_rel from a relatedness measure
min_rel: double
Filters out all words that are lower than min_rel from a relatedness measure
phono_align: boolean (1 or 0), optional
1 means 'only count alternations that are likely phonologically aligned,'
defaults to not force phonological alignment
min_pairs_okay: bool, optional
True means allow minimal pairs (e.g. in English, 's' and 't' do not
alternate in minimal pairs,
so allowing minimal pairs may skew results)
stop_check : callable, optional
Optional function to check whether to gracefully terminate early
call_back : callable, optional
Optional function to supply progress information during the function
The frequency of alternation of two sounds in a given corpus
list_seg1 = []
list_seg2 = []
all_words = set()
if call_back is not None:
call_back('Finding instances of segments...')
call_back(0, len(corpus_context))
cur = 0
for w in corpus_context:
if stop_check is not None and stop_check():
if call_back is not None:
cur += 1
if cur % 1000 == 0:
tier = getattr(w, corpus_context.sequence_type)
if seg1 in tier:
if seg2 in tier:
if call_back is not None:
call_back('Calculating string similarities...')
call_back(0, len(list_seg1) * len(list_seg2))
cur = 0
related_list = []
if phono_align:
al = pam.Aligner(features = corpus_context.specifier)
for w1 in list_seg1:
for w2 in list_seg2:
if stop_check is not None and stop_check():
if call_back is not None:
cur += 1
if cur % 1000 == 0:
if w1 == w2:
ss = string_similarity(corpus_context, (w1,w2), algorithm)
if min_rel is not None and ss[0][-1] < min_rel:
if max_rel is not None and ss[0][-1] > max_rel:
if not min_pairs_okay:
if len(w1.transcription) == len(w2.transcription):
count_diff = 0
for i in range(len(w1.transcription)):
if w1.transcription[i] != w2.transcription[i]:
count_diff += 1
if count_diff > 1:
if count_diff == 1:
if phono_align:
alignment = al.align(w1.transcription, w2.transcription)
if not al.morpho_related(alignment, seg1, seg2):
words_with_alt = set()
if call_back is not None:
call_back('Calculating frequency of alternation...')
call_back(0, len(related_list))
cur = 0
for w1, w2, score in related_list:
if stop_check is not None and stop_check():
if call_back is not None:
cur += 1
if cur % 100 == 0:
words_with_alt.add(w1.spelling) #Hacks
#Calculate frequency of alternation using sets to ensure no duplicates (i.e. words with both seg1 and seg2
freq_of_alt = len(words_with_alt)/len(all_words)
if output_filename:
print_freqalt_results(output_filename, related_list)
return len(all_words), len(words_with_alt), freq_of_alt