Source code for corpustools.symbolsim.edit_distance

from corpustools.corpus.classes import Word
#from corpustools.symbolsim.phono_align import Aligner

#al = Aligner(features_tf=False)

#def edit_distance(word1, word2, sequence_type):
    #"""Returns the Levenshtein edit distance between a string from
     #two words word1 and word2.

     #The edit distance is the number of operations needed to transform word1 into word2,
     #three operations are possible: insert, delete, substitute

     #word1: Word
         #the first word object to be compared

     #word2: Word
         #the second word object to be compared

     #sequence_type : string
         #String specifying what attribute of the Word objects to compare,
         #can be "spelling", "transcription" or a tier name

         #the edit distance between two words
    #m = al.make_similarity_matrix(getattr(word1, sequence_type), getattr(word2, sequence_type))
    #return m[-1][-1]['f']

#def edit_distance(word1, word2, sequence_type):
    #"""Returns the Levenshtein edit distance between a string from
     #two words word1 and word2.

     #The edit distance is the number of operations needed to transform word1 into word2,
     #three operations are possible: insert, delete, substitute

     #word1: Word
         #the first word object to be compared

     #word2: Word
         #the second word object to be compared

     #sequence_type : string
         #String specifying what attribute of the Word objects to compare,
         #can be "spelling", "transcription" or a tier name

         #the edit distance between two words
    #m = al.make_similarity_matrix(getattr(word1, sequence_type), getattr(word2, sequence_type))
    #return m[-1][-1]['f']

[docs]def edit_distance(word1, word2, sequence_type, max_distance = None): """Returns the Levenshtein edit distance between a string from two words word1 and word2, code drawn from The number is the number of operations needed to transform word1 into word2, three operations are possible: insert, delete, substitute Parameters ---------- word1: Word the first word object to be compared word2: Word the second word object to be compared string_type : string String specifying what attribute of the Word objects to compare, can be "spelling", "transcription" or a tier Returns ------- int: the edit distance between two words """ s1 = word1 s2 = word2 longer, shorter = (s1,s2) if len(s1) > len(s2) else (s2,s1) previous_row = range(len(shorter) + 1) for i, c1 in enumerate(longer): current_row = [i + 1] for j, c2 in enumerate(shorter): insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1 # j+1 instead of j since previous_row and current_row are one character longer deletions = current_row[j] + 1 # than s2 substitutions = previous_row[j] + (c1 != c2) current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions)) previous_row = current_row #if max_distance is not None and previous_row[-1] > max_distance: # break return previous_row[-1]