from corpustools.symbolsim.phono_align import Aligner
[docs]def phono_edit_distance(word1, word2, sequence_type, features):
"""Returns an analogue to Levenshtein edit distance but uses
phonological _features instead of characters
word1: Word
Word object containing transcription tiers which will be compared
to another word containing transcription tiers
word2: Word
The other word containing transcription tiers to which word1 will
be compared
sequence_type: string
Name of the sequence type (transcription or a tier) to use for comparisons
_features: FeatureMatrix
FeatureMatrix that contains all the segments in both transcriptions
to be compared
the phonological edit distance between two words
w1 = word1
w2 = word2
a = Aligner(features_tf=True, features=features)
m = a.make_similarity_matrix(w1, w2)
return m[-1][-1]['f']